Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I want Food......

Bleh, Bleh, Just finish my registration at campus today. It was sooooooooo crowded, and it's hot as well. Did I mention it was very very crowded? Heck it was. Hahaha. Finally, I'm done with this dreaded day! Got my modules as well!

Lets see, I have....

1) Film structure 1
2) Multimedia design 1
3) Conceptual design 1
4) Animation practice 1 -hearts-
5) History of animation
6) English 1

My timetable will be given tomorrow in the orientation. Ugh.. Orientation.... I hope it's fun. I hope my timetable is good..... > <. I met my history of animation lecturer during registration just now, she seems nice xD. Steamboat mickey was it? lol. Sounds fun. xD. Saw a few of my previous lecturers, they looked bored over the table for registration. Maybe because I'm not their student anymore =P. -Ahem- Anywho, off to bed I go.... =3


.kvin. | 4:20 PM